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24/1, 2018 kl. 16:37, av grandphawalter

Pointy hips!

8 jan 23:38 Inledning del 1

För att kunna underkasta sig och foga sig i någons makt måste det finnas ett motstånd att dominera, ju mer motstånd desto hetare möten. - Engelsk text

The tracks clinched and the cage lurched a bit. The hours has passed, you just shut your eyes for a moment but, went into minutes now clearly awake.
Outside the window the land is passing by swiftly showing no signs of any snow what so ever even though it looks crisp. In the distance you see the twisted tower that has been central in conversation lately, with a grin it struck you that it looks like a finger pointing towards Denmark. The train runs in to a tunnel and it gets dark...

You step of and get on the tram-bus to go the three stations, "asshole that didn't meet up." The white tower is just outside the window and this is were you get of, standing in front of the door; will the code work? Yes it did... a cold stony entrance with a steel elevator, pushing button top floor and the doors shut. Yet another stony hallway with oak doors, one of them is open.. "come, let me help you with that." It was just as you imagined.
The glas was empty again, almost the whole night we spoke about everything and yet nothing. Every time I shut my eyes I forgot what we were talking about; thinking of his hands... I had merely not been able to look him in his black eyes but I had found my self staring at his hands and how he used them all evening. He rose and said "Im just going to pop another, or do you like shakers instead?"

I rose and went over to the big windows to look at the view, I feelt how he came and stopped behind me; and just stood there. "This one was for you..." and he shoved the ice cold bottle so it touched my stomach, the chill went threw my body in an instance and my mouth opened and gave a gasp. He reached for my neck with his other hand and grabbed my throat firmly, he pulled the bottle away and instead put his thumb at my lower waist and with his fingers got a grip of my pointy right hip and rolled my ass while I stiffened my whole body to his grip.
He hardens his fingers around my throat so hard that I felt my carotid artery pumping my blood faster...
The wall was broken


1 läsare gillar denna novell.




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Nelly och Ann252 - Spammare som försöker locka av Bubblanläsares pengar!!! Gå ABSOLUT inte in på länkarna de lockar med för inget är gratis.

25/3, 2018 kl. 18:20