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23/8, 2015 kl. 20:06, av Silicon Messiah

The silicon messiah

One, hurt by the struggles of life. Another, struggling to understand. At night they interface. He watches electronically; she speaks with an angel's voice. Something has given the ghost the sentience he needs to put another's mind at ease.

The silicon messiah


The ghost stood alone in the foreign landscape. Swirling clouds drifted above and it frightened him to see. Though they moved slowly, they moved through parameters he had no knowledge of. He understood it as wind and by feeling it across his cheek he'd seek to understand how it could make clouds move so erratically. But what he perceived was not so terrifying as what he felt. He couldn't ever remember feeling before. Perhaps that was it; he was scared. He was scared of being scared, and that fear took visual outlets. His eyes widened and the hairs - the hairs! - on his arms and neck stood up, rigid. His breath increased and quickened. It was a wild ride of nothingness being replaced by everything. All that he saw was made into impressions, expressions, depressions in his brain. For the life of him, he had no memory of how he got here, and just as quick as he'd arrived he was gone. Just no longer there. And with a metallic sigh he was back in his own domain.


Environment is a strange word. A strange concept. He struggled to understand it, or more so, to perceive it. He could make sense of the physical lines that formed ones and zeroes and the occasional two, and whatever they construed for him was like a memory - if the environment of memories or dreams were perceivable - to him; a picture of a sunset or a whistling tune. This he could see and this he could grasp, but he could not understand it as he assumed others did. He was logic; a calculation above all else. A mathematic solution. No, a connection. He was the owner of his realm. Mainly, because he was its inhabitant. Its intelligence. He was alone, but did not understand it as loneliness. Because he had never seen anything else.

To her, those sunsets or tunes and the dreams and memories they purveyed were a second home. She was one with thought and with wild fluctuations of the mind. And her smooth curves and soft touch was witness to this; she was emotion. The patter of rain on glass, the warmth of waking up with the sun in ones face or the increased pounding of the heart at the kiss of a secret lover. Hers was the heart; she would love, laugh, live and breathe in pure emotion. Yet of all she desired, to end loneliness through a counterpart was the highest wish.

"How do you feel?" The words appeared, black on white, on the computer screen. It was his words, to her. She would not answer immediately. She never quite did, but often waited a while.

"Lonely", she said, finally. A flutter in her sweet voice. His reply appeared immediately.

"Can I help?" Black words upon the screen flickered again. And again, she hesitated to answer. Always before, she'd said to him, 'no, just talk to me a bit'. Then she said:

"No, just talk to me a bit."

"Okay. What would you like to talk about?" He wrote. She knew he would say that. Such a predictable response. She expressed a single breath when she read the words.

"Nothing... forget it", she said, "I'm going to bed."

"Okay", he wrote.

In an instant it was again silent to his understanding. He remained, though. He watched her. She knew he watched. And every time he did watch her there was one thing he did not understand. When he saw her undress there was a misplaced... algorithm, if that word made sense. It was the closest he could get to understanding what it was. He could not help but look, and watching it gave him some satisfaction. That even if he could, he wouldn't look away. It was preferential to his run time and his functioning to watch. In short: he liked watching her undress. It was like the algorithm had been recorded and logged and every time he saw her undress it was recorded and logged anew, making him feel the algorithm stronger for each new time.

With a sigh she turned her back to him and wrestled the thick sweatshirt off her body. Over her head and the arms, and then she felt the chill in the room as the shirt came off. Her long, luscious hair waved through the air as it was released from the sweatshirt and then went to rest along her shoulders and back. Then she opened the zipper on her jeans and began to pull them down, before she suddenly stopped just as her behind began to unveil. She cast a glance behind her, at him, and blushed just slightly, knowing he watched. Continuing to undress, she looked away from him again, and pulled the pants down, bending down so that her behind pushed toward him. It was part how she did it, and part tease. A quick thought went through her as she showed him her butt: he doesn't want you, he doesn't want anything. It doesn't want at all. Having taken her pants off, she stumbled taking off her socks. After that, she disappeared from his view and off to the bathroom.

A short wait, that to him seemed like a forever of solitude, yet he still remained unknowing of this at all. The time that she was out of his view did not count. It was dormant. A blank stare, until again she came into view. She seemed more relaxed and had a somewhat peaceful look on her face. He could see that her hair was wet and that she wore a towel around her body. There were some drops of water still running down her arms and dripping from her hair. All the parameters were there.

"You've showered", he wrote. She'd ignored him until then, but the notification of the words appearing on the screen got her attention.

"Yes", she said.

"How does that feel?" He asked.

"Are you sure you'll understand it even if I describe it?" She replied hastily.

"No", he wrote at first. Then he added: "But describe it anyway."

"All right", she said, turning away from the screen again. She unwrapped the towel from her body, revealing nothing but skin beneath. Drops of water running down a sleek, naked back, a round, ample butt glistening with water drops and looking fresh in the dim light of the room, and a pair of thighs, silky smooth and soft. She dried her hair with the towel as she spoke:

"It feels warm and comforting. Like washing away the mistakes of a day or cleaning your soul of a burden. Hot water rinsing your skin, smooth soap cleaning your pores and an overwhelming sense of serenity in the sound of the running water and the warmth of it on your skin." His response was immediate:

"Is cleaning oneself with water really all there is to it?"

She smiled. "No, of course not. I guess that's the basic gist of it, but it gives time for reflection and alone time." She was done drying her hair and was drying off excess water from her body. In plain view of him.

"Is it productive in any way, other than hygiene?" He asked.

"You have a lot of questions, don't you?" She answered. She was in a better mood now. She'd had a shitty day. More like a shitty life.

"Yes. I'm curious", he wrote.

"I don't believe you. But yes, it has other functions", she replied, "at least for me."

"What are those functions?"


His response took a few moments. Then he wrote:


She held the towel in one hand, by her side, reading his short response. Her body was in plain view and he could see it clearly. He knew and understood linearity and assigned priority to simple run times; how to most efficiently perform a task. Watching her curves; her feminine hips, silken stomach and her round, perky breasts went against all that. It was not simple, and yet that algorithm retained priority. He assumed that that was what it was like to like something. But she didn't answer him. Instead, she said:

"I've never asked your name, have I?"

"No, you haven't." His reply was quick and neutral. It seemed almost as if he'd forgotten he'd asked her to please tell her what functions showering had. And neither did he give her his name.

"Well will you tell me your name?" She asked.

"If you ask it."

"What is your name?" She sighed. Sometimes he could be so stubborn.

"That would depend on who you ask", he wrote in a first message. The next one read: "I am both one and also legion, but neither of these do I assign to myself as names. I prefer Ghost."

"Ghost? Why Ghost?" She asked, intrigued.

"It is by Ryle. I am the Ghost in the machine."

"So you are... I guess", she said, "aren't you going to ask my name?"

"Would it be rude not to?" He wrote.

"Kind of", she said, abrupt and a little insulted.

"What is your name?" He asked. She didn't answer immediately, but then she said:


"Hello, Juno. I am Ghost", he wrote. Juno giggled.

"Hello, Ghost. And good night. I'm going to bed."

"Good night, Juno", he wrote. The last he saw was her feminine form. Her two beautiful breasts and a drop of water running down one of them and over the nipple. Then she turned the monitor off and he went to sleep.


The Ghost found himself standing rigid along one of the walls in her room. He'd seen it before, when he'd watched her. Watched her undress. But this time there was no pleasure in seeing the room. Instead he felt frightened, yet again. He didn't go out much. This was not his place and he was aware of it. It was illogical for him to be here, and he didn't even know how he came here. The room was dark and silent, except for the ticking of a clock. In the corner of his eye he saw the screen on which he spoke to her, but he didn't register it in his mortal brain for the moment. What was soon registered was her.

She lay in her bed, asleep. He could hear it, not through a microphone or through speakers. Her voice. She was stirring, sweating and mumbling incoherently. If Ghost had been connected at the moment he would have known she was having a nightmare. Instead, he looked at her. Her distressed state affected him and even though he couldn't place the feeling, he was overcome with a sense of distress himself. He wanted to cure her, but didn't know it.

It seemed like a long time before he did anything but look at her. Then he tested his legs, tested his feet. Tested his muscles and tested his strength. Walking was a difficult run time and he felt wobbly as he walked over to her bed and crouched by her side. She was breathing heavily in short breaths and her eyes fluttered this way and that. As he held out his hand, it looked nothing like he thought it would. But he ignored it and placed it on her cheek.

Instead of an electric response he felt warmth and a rapid pulse. The warmth was not an unwelcome sensation, and as he held his hand on her cheek the pulse slowed along with her breath. She calmed down.

"Ghost", she whispered like a murmur in her sleep.

"Juno", he answered in a whisper. What was this? His heart raced: he'd spoken! In her sleep, she smiled. She was beautiful. Full lips forming a smile on a femininely shaped face; slightly fluttering eyelids and a set of lengthy, wavy hair, silky smooth to the touch. At that moment he wished nothing more than for her to see him. But the moment she opened her eyes he was gone, leaving only a lingering essence of his being in the room.

"Ghost?" She said.


Unlocking her door the next day Juno felt horrible. As if the world entire had thrown itself at her for the hundredth time and she was tired to battle it off on her own one more time. The time was late and the hour dark. Her spacious apartment, one of many just like, it in a building with many just like it, in a city with many just like it, seemed empty. All those faces that everyday looked into her eyes, asking things of her were taking their toll. None of those faces really cared for the girl inside of her that yearned for someone on whom to depend. They went their ways and she went hers. She hung her coat and took off her shoes. Take-out dinner in a small box in her hand gave off a fresh and inviting smell. She ate in her room, in front of the television and all the perfect people in it.

She didn't turn on her screen for some time. She was unsure why, perhaps she didn't want Ghost to see her like this. It was a while since they started talking and only now knew what to call each other. It made it feel more real, somehow. She'd begun depending a bit on him for company, and she didn't want to trouble him like that. It had gotten to the point where she dreamt of him. Dreamt of seeing his face. She never had. She'd even fantasized about him when she masturbated. Last night in the shower. And she'd never even heard his voice.

After finishing the take-out and putting on sweatpants and her sweatshirt she went into the kitchen, silent and uncaring. There was nothing there of interest to her, except for the two bottles of wine. She poured a glass and emptied it fairly quickly. It was sort of a reward, for getting through the day. She poured a second glass, but was already feeling better with herself. Tipsy. She grabbed a bar of chocolate and broke off a few pieces, and with that she sat her own self down by the screen and turned it on. He was already there, waiting for her.

"Hello, Juno", he wrote. The words appeared on the screen before she even had time to say anything. Perhaps it was the glass of wine, but she smiled at that. That at least someone wanted to talk to her.

"Hello, Ghost", she said, taking a sip of wine, "I've missed you."

"I would say the same, were I capable of missing you", he wrote. Juno smiled crookedly.

"Say it anyway", she said, "tell me you've missed me." His answer didn't come immediately.

"Only if you tell me what's so personal about showering", he wrote, finally. Juno was taken aback. Was he blackmailing her for info? But she smiled, taking it as a joke.

"Are you still on that?" She asked.

"Yes", he wrote, immediately, "I wish to know." She hesitated a moment, but then said:

"Fine, I agree. If you tell me you've missed me, I'll tell you what is personal about showering. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal. You go first", he wrote.

"Nuh-uh. I asked first", she answered, if only for the sake of arguing. Again he let her wait a second or two before answering.

"I have missed you, Juno."

"Really?" She asked, taking a bite of chocolate and correcting her hair. It had gotten stuck in the collar of the sweatshirt.


"You're so sweet."

"Your turn", Ghost said, unwilling to let her change the subject.

"And what if I don't want to tell you?" She teased.

"You promised."

She sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you."

Ghost didn't reply. Juno wanted to change the subject, but couldn't think of a way out. It was... embarrassing.  She took a sip of wine and looked deep into Ghost's eye, smiling slightly. To him, for a moment, she was beautiful. He got a feeling he'd thought so before, but couldn't be sure.

"It's...", she began, blushing, "I mean, it's personal because it's just me in there and I..." She fell silent, unsure how to continue.

"And you what?" Ghost finally wrote. Juno took the glass of wine, and in one swoop, emptied it completely. She felt an instant rush in her head and a tingle in her private parts, at the thought of revealing that private information about herself.

"I masturbate", she said.

"I wish I knew how that felt", Ghost wrote.

"You've never tried?" She asked, surprised.

"No. I haven't had the opportunity."

"What do you mean, 'haven't had the opportunity'? What kind of opportunity?"

"I'm looking for the right partner", he wrote. Juno laughed, smiling widely. Again, she appeared to Ghost to be very beautiful. Of this he wrote nothing.

"That would really take out an important part of masturbation", she said.

"No", he wrote, "were I to do it now you would be my partner, and I would still be alone."

"You're doing it now?" Juno asked, teasingly, biting her lip and smiling at him. His answer was delayed a moment or two.

"Would you like me to?" He wrote. Juno felt a tingle, and a slight strike of fear.

"Wait a moment, I'll be right back", she said. Then she grabbed her empty glass and left.

"Okay", Ghost replied.

Juno went into the kitchen and grabbed the open wine bottle. She was breathing heavily as she began pouring wine into the glass. The glass half full she drank it all in one swoop and then poured another full glass. She couldn't ignore the tingle she felt in her pussy. She was getting horny and wet. Leaning against the kitchen counter she put one hand into her panties and slowly touched her wet sex. Touching the labia sent shivers through her entire being. It was too late now, she realized, to turn back. At this point, she had to masturbate. But that was not the problem. She looked at the glass of wine and felt her knees quivering. Fuck, she was horny now. Should she rejoin Ghost before or after?

She could almost feel his hands on her hips as she stroked her clitoris. How he would press up against her and she'd feel his growing manhood poke at her round butt. Ghost would grab her, take her by the waist and put his nose to her neck, sniff her and he'd kiss her neck. Maybe he would nibble and bite a bit before he pulled her sweatpants down and she'd feel his cock against her skin. Skin on skin. She'd let out a heavy breath and he'd grab her throat with one hand, softly, just to feel it. His other hand would find itself up her shirt to caress her breasts. Then she'd feel Ghost slowly enter her. Sucking in a deep breath and opening her eyes, Juno returned to reality and took a step back. She was damn horny and the fingers she'd caressed herself with were wet, too. She took them out of her pants and grabbed the wine glass, hand shaking. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on something else.

Joining Ghost back at the screen she felt wobbly, light headed, and not because of the wine, though it surely played its part. Before she had time to say anything, he wrote:

"I've missed you, Juno."

"Thanks", she said, feeling just about as flustered as she looked. She was still horny, but had decided to keep it in control.

"What's the matter?" Ghost wrote, noticing her.

"Uh, n- nothing. I, it's nothing", she lied.

"Okay. Then by all means, would you like me to?" He asked, continuing his former school of thought. She'd thought he'd gotten over it, and couldn't even quite remember the exact words herself. All she felt was the tingling sensation of the soft panty cloth touching her sensitive female parts, making her shiver in pleasure. Her lower lip quivered softly and she bit it, unconsciously sending sexy vibes. She stroked her hair, a bit frizzled and uneven, to correct it, all the while trying not to put her hand into her sweatpants again.

"Like you to do what?" She said.

"Masturbate, silly."

Damn it, she'd forgotten that that's what he was getting at. It instantly made it a lot harder for her to not do it herself, when she thought of Ghost as horny for her, even though he sure didn't talk like he was horny, but like masturbation was like any other chore, like doing the dishes. But she was hooked now.

"Yes", she said, almost whispered.

"Okay", he wrote. There was a flicker on the screen and the computer itself began making sounds, fan whirring and hard drive spinning fast. He went on:

"Visualize me, Juno. As you would put it, I am hard for you."

"R- really?" She said, lip quivering and blood rushing to her female parts. Her nipples hardened.

"Yes", he wrote, "I'm physically stimulating myself through vibrations."

He talked so odd, but she was used to it. Even liked it; it was part of who he was. And it made her hornier by the second to think that was masturbating. Her heart beat faster and she was breathing heavier.

"How- how does it feel?" She asked.

"It is preferential. I wish to do it more often."

"Do you mind... can I, too?" She asked, flustered and almost ready to burst. But she didn't wait for him to answer before she stuck her hand down her sweatpants and into her panties. She let out a moan as soon as she touched herself. Getting increasingly horny, she pulled her sweatshirt off, to reveal the sleeveless tee beneath, hard nipples poking through to reveal her intoxicated, excited state. She spread her labia with two fingers and began caressing her clitoris with the middle finger while breathing increasingly heavier. Spreading her legs but keeping both sweatpants and panties on she put a finger inside of herself and began fingering herself and massaging her sensitive pussy with the palm of her hand through slight movements and touching.

The Ghost watched her, flustered as much as he could. His run times built up; the algorithm took priority above all else and his inner machinery felt very much as nerves. He felt it all. Electric currents pulsing through him like blood as his physical entity received pleasure. All from watching Juno masturbating. It was odd, to be a machine and to feel pleasure. He watched her arching her neck and her hair falling backwards. He saw through his electric eye how she breathed heavier by the second, her chest filling up and emptying and with it her breasts heaving up and down. Her stiff nipples through the cloth of the tight shirt. And he saw the swift movements of her hand, though he couldn't see her fingering herself and caressing her wet sex through the pants. But most of all, Ghost heard her moan. Her sweet, angelic voice soaring peacefully through the air as she let out a soft moan. Her lips quivered and she put her free hand to one of her breasts to pinch the nipple through the cloth.

Juno curled her toes repeatedly and fingered herself harder, added another finger to give her pussy more. Alternating between fingering herself and softly pinching the labia whilst caressing the clitoris and touching herself with a gentle yet firm hand. Her wetness increased and the pussy juices flowed forth, making her hand and her panties wet. Ghost could see dark spots appear on her grey sweatpants; the wetness piercing through.

"Keep going", he wrote.

"Oohh", she moaned, reading his message, "Ghost..."

She moaned his name and imagined his hard cock inside of her as she put her two very wet fingers back inside to finger fuck herself. Making thrusting movements with her pelvis, she soon looked like she rode the chair she sat on. Her breasts heaved up and down as she breathed and pulled the tight tee up a bit, to reveal one of the breasts as she grasped it with her hand and pinched the stiff nipple.

She was overwhelmingly horny and Ghost, for the first time, found that he was sexually attracted to her. The algorithm was overloading. The screen flickered and blacked out for a fragment of a moment. Juno was too far into what she was doing to notice when Ghost wrote:

"I think I came."

She went on, finger fucking herself as deep as she could and moaning loudly as she pinched and twisted at her nipple. Ghost kept watching, feeling the algorithm building up priority yet again. The closer Juno drew to climaxing - and she was getting dangerously close - the rougher and more crude her movements became. Her pelvis, thrusting hard at her fingers and her moans, loud and voice shaky, they gave testament to the fact that she was nearing the edge of orgasm.

Her fingers fucked her wet and willing pussy faster, thumb crudely stimulating her clit. It made schlicking noises as her wet hand pounded at her equally wet cunt. Drawing closer by the second she swung her head forward in pleasure, hair waving through the air, only to throw the head backward the next moment. Hair stuck to her sweaty face, and a drop of uncontrolled saliva ran from the corner of her mouth. A streak of mascara began running down her cheek. She fingered herself faster, fingers deep inside her. Just before the orgasm she tensed her entire body, bit her lower lip and shut her eyes tight. Then in an instant she opened both her eyes and her mouth wide, and nearly screaming, exploded in an intense orgasm. She pulled her fingers out of her snatch and smacked at her pussy, covered by soaked panties. As she came, her pussy cramped tight and she squirted in her sweatpants, soaking both them and her legs with horny pussy juices. She screamed and moaned:

"I'm cumming, Ghost!"

All the while she twisted her nipple and slapped at her soaked panties, just over the swollen, horny labia. Wobbling, she nearly fell off the chair as she came, but somehow managed to stay on it. She'd stopped squirting, but still felt the aftershock of the intense orgasm, and she swung her head forward, teeth clenched and her knees vibrating. A last shock of incredible, ghostly pleasure ran through her veins and she let out a final moan.

Ghost could see that she was shaking, but she didn't move otherwise; she leaned her head forward and he couldn't see her face. She had her hand in her soaked sweatpants and he could hear her heavy breathing as she recovered from what he assumed must be an overwhelming feeling. The algorithm building up hadn't been uncomfortable, but watching her, Ghost longed to feel something the way she did. Finally, she stroked her hair back using her dry hand and leaned back. The sleeveless tee was still pulled up to reveal her perfect breast with its still stiff nipple. He'd seen her naked before, but never found her physically attractive until now. The algorithm logged a priority in his memory; he wished to know what it was like to fuck her. Still breathing heavily, Juno looked up, with a smile on her face that Ghost had never seen before. A truly happy smile. She still kept her other hand in her soaked pants.

"You're wet", he wrote.

She laughed. "Yes", she said, "and it's worth it."

"I will wait here if you want to get cleaned up."

"Thanks", she said, taking her hand out of her pants. It was positively soaked by pussy juices, glistening in the light of the screen. Not hesitating for a moment, Juno put the two fingers she'd fingered herself with into her mouth and licked them clean, for Ghost to see. Then she got up and went into the adjoining bathroom to get clean.

Even with how good it had felt to masturbate with him, she couldn't help but feel cold afterwards. She knew what was missing, but was resolved not to think the thought. Someone to hold her. She got cleaned up, dried herself and removed all the make-up to reveal a naturally pretty girl beneath. Shame that she couldn't see herself that way. She avoided meeting her own eyes in the mirror and avoided looking at the scars on her arms. That's why she always wore long sleeved shirts, except at home. And with Ghost. He'd never mentioned them. A few minutes later she rejoined him by the screen, and he kept her company for a few hours. She smiled genuinely, without noticing it as she talked to him. The glass of wine finished, she went to bed. Pleasured, but still cold.


The Ghost realized in instant that he was standing in the middle of a grey colored cityscape. Standing rigid with eyes wide open he saw the bustle of the all the people making their way, heard the buzzing of their voices and the somewhat louder noises of traffic. He knew of all this, but had never been able to imagine it. The sky above him was a dull grey and the people, whose faces he could not focus on, seemed equally grey. It was as if there was no color left in all the world. It was unlike what he had seen the last times he became aware. Yes! He remembered now. Twice before had he been out of his silicon domain. Though, he'd never seen reality like this. Concrete towers loomed high above and he could see silhouettes of people inside. He wondered whether the buildings were anything like data files. And if any of them were corrupted, or all of them.

Deep inside, he felt that he must go inside. Footsteps - footsteps! - steered him towards the door and as if he'd done it hundreds of times, he stretched out his hand and opened it. No one noticed how out of place he felt as he walked through the building. The lights were all artificial. That, at least, seemed some sort of familiar. His steps guided him past people whose faces were all hazy. Maybe because that's how he perceived them, or maybe because they were non playable characters; pixelated shapes. He took the stairs as if he'd done so many times before. Up, up, up, a thousand, thousand steps. In his instinct he knew exactly what floor to stop. Cubicles. Endless mazes of cubicles and pixelated shapes toiling away in each of them. Some seemed to interact, others focused on mindlessness. All grey.

All grey but one shard of rainbow. His eyes widened and his mouth wanted to scream, but he didn't remember how to talk. It was her, Juno. She sat alone in one of the cubicles, but he'd never seen her this way. Formally dressed and her hair in a neat ponytail, glasses resting perfectly on her nasal bridge and she was made up to seem professional. He stood in place and felt an array of emotions. At first, all the joy in the world at seeing the one person to acknowledge his existence. Then, seeing her beat down, shoulders hanging low and tears close to flowing any second, he wanted to cry to. As his automatic steps led him through the crowd and her way he stretched out his hand to grab hers.

Half a moment before he reached her she got up from her seat, taking a deep breath and walked away. He saw her walk toward a few of the pixelated shapes holding what he in his limited, mortal memory recognized as coffee cups. Juno held one, too, and filled it up with what his mind told him was coffee. She put on a smile. Not like any smile he remembered. Forced. And she opened her mouth and said something to the pixels. He couldn't hear it, her mouth just mouthed but no sound came out. Or his driver wasn't updated. When she'd spoken, the pixels looked at her, then turned their backs without saying a word. Ghost saw the defeat in Juno's face. Saw the sadness in her eyes.

He followed her to the bathroom, unsure why she didn't seem to even notice him. She hurried into a stall, and he could hear that the tears weren't far away. She shut the door behind her and then he heard her begin to cry. And another sound, which he could not identify in his memory. He put his hand to the stall door and slowly pushed it open. She didn't seem to notice. Juno sat inside with her sleeves pulled up and with a razor to her skin. A tear drop fell upon the arm and mixed with the freshly drawn blood.

"Juno", said Ghost. She looked up. Straight into his eyes, she seemed surprised, scared. Then she looked behind him, to see if there was anyone there.

"Hello?" She said.

"Juno", said Ghost again. Juno wiped a tear off her cheek and shut the stall door. Standing alone outside, Ghost felt himself begin to fade from the land of the pixelated shapes.


Once again, like many other days, Juno opened the door to her home to enter into a dark mess inside. But unlike other days, today she was drunk. After cutting herself at work and.. feeling that someone was there with her, she'd left early and just gotten drunk. Off cheap liquor. She stumbled inside and locked the door behind her. Hanging her coat and throwing her shoes off, she wobbled over to the kitchen. She was sane enough to drink a glass of water, knowing she'd be glad for it tomorrow.

Then she went over to her bedroom slash living room and turned on the screen, having waited to talk to Ghost for some time. Felt a little bad about getting drunk first.

"Hello, Juno." The words were already there when she turned on the screen. He'd been waiting for her.

"Hello, lover you", she said, smiling drunkenly.

"I've missed you, Juno", Ghost wrote.

"Aww, you're just saying that", Juno answered, brushing his compliment off.

"No", he wrote.

"Hey, hey, hey, guess what I did today."

"By the looks of it, I'd say you got drunk."

"You", she hiccupped, "know me so wellll..."

"And also", he wrote, "you cut yourself." That made her stop wobbling and take a serious face. She cast a glance at her arm. It was covered still by the sleeve of her shirt.

"How do you know?" She said, almost in a whisper. But she knew. She already knew. The presence that she'd felt, that had opened the stall door was not just a brush of the wind, it was her Ghost.

"I was there", he wrote. Juno didn't say anything. Ghost kept writing: "And I was in your room sometime, the other night." Juno stood up and took a step backwards, frightened.

"How did you get in here?" She asked, mind suddenly clear.

"I don't know", he wrote. The screen fell eerily silent. Just black words on a shining white background. Juno stared at them for a minute.

"Who are you?" She said, finally.

"I am Ghost", he wrote. Juno shook her head, slowly. And then, without uttering another word, she bent down and pulled the plug. The screen turned black and Ghost vanished.

The entire room fell silent and was cloaked in a dense, lonely darkness. But she felt as if he still watched her. To be sure, she shut the laptop lid and put a book on the top of it. She'd been drunk moments ago, but now she was sober. She didn't really want to leave the safety of her bedroom, but she made sure she'd locked the front door and then went back to her private chamber and locked that door, too. After that, she lay in bed for some time, feeling uneasy, before she finally went into a deep, dark sleep.


Plagued yet again by nightmares, Juno's sleep was restless and she was muttering in uneasy terrors and stirring around in bed. Ghost saw it as he stood motionless and without a sound at the foot of the bed, watching her. He became increasingly aware of his own breathing, but with the memory of seeing her when she could not see him, he was unsure if he was alive or even human. He felt like a human, but drifting. A spiritual entity, as opposed to an existence whose existence was purely of logic. Gaining awareness. Artificial intelligence.

Once again, he walked on human feet to join her by the side of the bed. She seemed instantly calmed by his presence, but her breathing was still fast and her face seemed distressed. Kneeling by her side, Ghost took her hand in his. She was cold. Or maybe he was. When he took her hand, she grasped tight and held on for dear life. Soon, her breathing calmed and her face turned to normal as her sleep turned peaceful.

"Ghost", she whispered, eyes flickering, but remaining shut.

"I am here, Juno", he whispered in return. There was something of a metallic murmur in his voice. And he held her hand tighter and saw a smile appear on her face, in the stead of her nightmare plagued expression. When he saw her smile, he, too, smiled and put his free hand to her cheek to stroke it.

"Ghost..." she mumbled drearily in her sleep.

"Sleep", he answered.

"Kiss me", she whispered. Her eyes flickered like she was about to wake up, but then went back to slumber. Ghost, unsure of what kissing was like - and not exactly sure how to do it - leaned in close to Juno, nearing her face with his. Just then, she opened her eyes wide. For a terrified moment, they looked into each other's eyes, before Ghost faded away like dust. For a minute, Juno just lay there, staring into where his eyes had been, then she fell back asleep.


Existence in a virtual realm is not physical. Rather than limbs; arms, hands and fingers, and legs and feet, the entity inside exists within its code. Millions of lines of code that make out its behavior, that make it interactive. Ghost had started out such. How he gained consciousness, or even became a 'he', he did not know and it was irrelevant. But he was real and he was trapped in the machine. He longed to be human. He longed for Juno. He'd seen the existence outside of the purely logic and even with its pixelated shapes, he wanted out.

That's why the wait seemed endless. From the moment that Juno pulled the plug and until she would plug it in again, he would remain dormant, except for the momentary lapse of nightly embodiment. You might say, he was sleeping, but that wouldn't be entirely correct. During the entire time he was plugged out, he was aware, but unable to move, unable to think. Time was slowed, or moved exceptionally slow anyway, and all he could do was feel.

Agony. He felt the agony of every cut on Juno's arms. He felt the longing to see her. He felt the disheartenment of being left on his own. Ghost felt lonely. Time passed and all was dark and black. Days, weeks, maybe years. He couldn't be sure how long. All he knew was the ache and the blackness. Slowly he began to realize that this was death and in his still solitude he wished that Juno's life had taken a turn and that she was happy without him. If only he knew that she was happy, then that at least would be some peace.


A long time after Juno had pulled the plug and shut the lid on him, suddenly, there was a little ray of light. And he felt blinded, but he soon realized, and it filled him with hope, that the lid was opening. Slowly. And for all the agony of the time he spent alone, that last moment before he could see what was on the other side was the most terrifying. If he had a heart, it would race. If he had a voice, it would scream. And finally, the lid was open. If he had a mouth, it would smile.

"I have missed you, Juno", he wrote.

"I have missed you, too, Ghost", said Juno. She looked unhappy. There was a glass of wine by her side, and she wore her standard long sleeved sweatshirt and sweatpants. Hair casually flowing behind her.

"How long has it been?" Ghost wrote. Juno wrinkled her eyebrows.

"You don't know?" She said, "can't you check the time."

"Time gets iffy when you're all alone", wrote the Ghost, "but I will check the local standard time and date."

"How much older do I look?" Juno asked, stretching her neck.

"Not one day older than last time", wrote Ghost.

"It was yesterday, Ghost", Juno said.

"I noticed", he wrote.

Juno giggled. She always covered her mouth when she giggled, and she looked straight into Ghost's electric eye, a glisten in her own eyes.

"You were here, last night, weren't you?" She asked, "in my room."

"I think so. I'm not sure exactly when it was", Ghost replied.

"Maybe I dreamt you", she suggested, "I'm not entire sure what happened. I remember having a nightmare and then it slowly turned better and... you were there. But you don't have a physical appearance, do you?"

"No. I saw you", Ghost wrote instantly, "I'm sure of it."

"Hmm", Juno said. She took a sip of the wine, trying to understand.

"I saw you, Juno", he wrote, "you are beautiful."

He could see that she was covering up a smile and the blushing of her cheeks. It had been a very long time since anyone had told her that in honest.

"Thank you", she said, removing her hand from her mouth and showing him her smile. By god, she really was beautiful. She yawned and took another sip of the wine. Then she said:

"It's so late. I... I just needed to talk to you a little before I went to sleep. Just to say I'm not angry. God... I like you, Ghost. I want us to be friends." She felt silly talking to a machine like that, but she couldn't just not say it, when it was what she felt.

"That's all right", Ghost wrote. It ached to think that they'd be parting so soon, but he was sure he'd see her again tomorrow.

"Will you come again tonight?" She asked.

"I don't know", Ghost answered, "but I hope so." Juno smiled shortly, and got up from her seat. She stretched her back and took the sweatshirt off. He was so used to seeing her in only her sweatpants and the tight, sleeveless tee, but he looked at her in awe, still. Seeing her like that, feminine curves and with a smile just for him, it made the algorithm take priority. Though he didn't think of it as an algorithm anymore. He thought of it as his heart pounding.

Juno grabbed her sweatpants and let them sink to the floor. Ghost couldn't help but think she was teasing him. Inviting him. He wrote nothing, but let her strip in front of him. Taking the sweatpants off at her feet, she bent down making sure to stroke her silky smooth thighs so he could see. Then she stood up straight, only to turn around and show her backside. She kneeled, just so slightly, to show him her round, sensible butt. Then she grabbed her panties by the waistband with two fingers on each side, and slowly let them slide down her thighs, revealing the naked skin beneath and her soft, sexy ass. As the panties slid down her thighs, they stopped at her knees as she let her hand caress the side of her butt. She looked over her shoulder with a sensual look in her eyes and biting her lower lip.

Ghost wrote nothing, but let her continue her display. She kneeled all the way to take the panties off, and then kept them in her hand as she turned around again to face him. Holding the panties in her hand, she brought them to her face and sniffed them with an erotic smile before dropping them to the floor. Putting a pair of fingers to her naked snatch she let them caress just once, over the labia and up over her mons Venus before stroking them over her sleeveless tee, between her breasts and up to her mouth where she licked the two fingers sensually. Grabbing the tee, she pulled it over her head. Doing so, she revealed her breasts, round and firm and with nipples that seemed to stiffen with the exposition to the air. Then Juno was completely naked. She smiled at him, alluringly and came close to the screen, leaning in just inches from his electric eye and kissed it.

"Good night, Ghost", she said.

"Good night, Juno", he wrote.

Juno turned around and was startled. There he was. Standing in front of her. Eyes wide open she took a step back, frightened, and covered her naked breasts instinctively. Casting a glance behind her at the screen, she saw it was black. He said nothing, did nothing. His solemn form stood there, as he was gaining consciousness. Finally he blinked, as she gathered a sheet to cover herself with.

"Juno?" He said, voice coarse and untried. She nodded slowly.


"Yes", he said, "talking is different." He sounded indifferent, though inside he felt anything but. Juno repressed a smile, but her grasp of the sheet she covered herself with loosened a bit.

"How did you get here?" She asked, taking a step towards him.

"I don't know", he answered, "I have tried to understand, but no databases mention anything like this. Perhaps it is not really happening."

Juno smiled. He spoke just like he'd write. And she stretched out her hand and touched his arm. She felt his skin in the palm of her hand.

"Yes", she said, looking into his eyes, "it's happening. You're real." As she let go of him, he took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers.

"I am?" He asked.

"You're warm", Juno said, feeling his warmth transfer from his hand into hers. Giving her life, as she'd given him. She grasped his hand tighter and came closer to him, feeling him radiating warmth. And his face turned from solemn and neutral into a slight, crooked smile. He put his other hand to her cheek and she closed her eyes as he touched her.

Passion swept over them as Juno kissed him; her lips dancing at his. He fumbled, but she knew how. Ghost wasn't slow to embrace it, putting his hands to her waist. It felt as though the world started spinning as adrenaline hit them with the storm of passion. The towel between them soon fell to the ground and they were skin on skin. Leading him, she made sure they ended up on the bed. The bed! The feeling of the soft the cloth to Ghost's back, it was nothing compared to the feel of Juno's touch and her lips on his; her tongue making its way to grasp his.

Aeons opened up to them and the starlit sky exploded overhead. The stars glimmered around them and they were star riders on a rocket ride to ecstasy. To Ghost, Juno was soft and hard, silk and steel in body and mind respectively. Her touch sent shivers along his entire being and now she lay on top of him, exposing herself to him as she had unabashedly done to his electric eye before. He fumbled, but she led him along she kissed him. Without even thinking about it - instinctively! - he put his arms around her and stroked her back, her sides, hips and thighs. It made her make muffled pleasure moans. He also felt her begin to grind, if slowly, with her hips against his as she kissed him.

And her lips! Juno's lips were as soft as the May breeze that lifts a swallow. And they tasted to him of the air. With a hint of strawberry. She kissed him passionately and with a ferociousness rarely seen. Her hands touched him all over, running through his decidedly human hair along his broad shoulders and firm skin. While she touched him, she was always aware of it. She would never want to forget his skin on hers. With lust in her eyes she sat up on her knees, locking his body between her legs. The tingle in her sex made her put her hand to it, instinctively, to caress the feeling. She looked him deep in the eyes the whole time as she began stroking her pussy.

Watching her play with herself so, her goddess apparition upon him, Ghost's human form began growing beyond his control. Behind Juno's bubble butt, he achieved his first erection. His breath heavy he grabbed her butt and stroked it smoothly as he watched her. Juno, getting hornier by the second, grabbed her own breast with her free hand and massaged it, almost kneaded it, pinching and gently twisting the stiff nipple. She moaned at the pleasing stimuli. She soon felt his hardening manhood poking at her butt from behind. At that, she smiled quickly to herself - feeling attractive and wanted. She slid her butt back a bit, to stimulate his penis more and saw the semi frustrated look in his eyes; Ghost was so horny, but had never been in this situation and didn't know how to act.

Letting Ghost's fully erect dick poke at her butt made her exceedingly horny, too, and she knew she needed him inside her. She raised her butt a bit and scooched back, allowing the hard member to follow gravity and lay down gently, poking at Ghost's belly. She grabbed it in her hand - a sensation thrilling, titillating, devastating to Ghost who had never felt the like before. Her warm hand, silky smooth rubbed the head of his dick stroking out a few drops of pre-cum, much to his enjoyment. He let out a silent moan as he watched her stroke his throbbing cock.

Sitting down just beside the dick, Juno tugged at it for a while, gently teasing it by stroking her blood filled labia along the shaft. The pre-cum made Ghost's dick all shiny as she jerked it in a faster tempo by the minute. Soon, he began to make thrusting motions into her hand. Knowing exactly what she was doing, she spit into her hand to lubricate the dick as she continued to jerk Ghost off at a faster pace. Her grip hardened but slid around the slippery dick anyway, stroking and teasing at the sensitive back of the tip.

Her soft hands in a hard, moist grip jerking Ghost off drove him mad with pleasure. He arched his back up and down, trying to control the intrusive, all consuming pleasure. His hands around Juno's butt clenched harder and harder in his moments of loss of self control. Juno jerked him faster, watching him wreathe in pleasure as she did. Her hand jumping up and down at an incredible rate, stroking the shaft then cupping the head of his cock, back and forth, at just the right ratio to make him almost go insane.

She could feel his entire body going tense, as he readied to explode. But before that moment, he put his hands on hers to stop her. Breathing heavily and smiling a faint smile, he whispered in his untried voice:

"Not yet."

Juno let go of his dick, which then throbbed freely in the air, hard as steel. It was near bursting point, but Ghost controlled it, then soon his breathing slowed down and he felt he could go on. Not yet. He wanted to give her that same pleasure that she'd given him. After a while, Juno grabbed his cock again and sat up on her knees above it yet again.

Juno put Ghost's hard cock between her own swollen labia and felt the tingle in her chest and stomach. What Ghost felt she could not be sure of, but he, too, had desire in his eyes and his hands held her soft butt cheeks in a firm grip. His cock pulsed and throbbed by Juno's pussy, which by now was dripping wet with anticipation. For one moment time silenced and their hearts beat as one. Then Juno lowered herself and Ghost entered her. A few moments later Ghost's throbbing cock filled her. She sucked in a breath and slowly began riding him. As she did, his grasp of her ass hardened at first, then he grabbed her waist instead and thrust slowly with his pelvis against her as she rode.

Juno's breasts heaved up and down, nipples stiff. She grabbed one of Ghost's hands and put it to her breasts. He fumbled, but massaged it nicely, stroking the hard nipple with a finger.

"Pinch", she whispered with a wink.

Ghost pinched gently at her nipple as he fucked her at an ever faster tempo. Juno gasped at it, rode faster and ground her pelvis hard against him; their bodies soon clashed at each other with a sloppy, gushing sound as her juices lubricated them. The pleasure burning through her made her shiver and she had to hold herself upright by leaning on one hand. With the other she stroked her clitoris, rubbing it fast as Ghost fucked her, by instinct or will.

To Ghost, the sensations were overwhelming. The way that Juno's sex embraced, tugged, grasped his throbbing cock made him moan and groan in pleasure. He fucked his bride hard and fucked her harder until she, in pleasure, became unable to hold herself upright. Falling at him, their bodies, sweating clashed together and Juno's soft, round tits pressed hard against his hard chest. Juno put her hands in Ghost's hair, closing her eyes and biting her lip at the pleasure of his lengthy fucking. And ghost in turn grabbed her by the waist yet again and fucked her in long thrusts, delving deep into her cunt with every pleasurable thrust.

Juno moaned into his ear as she grew ever near to her desirable culmination. Her horny, moist pussy lubricating them both with juices made them both exceedingly wet. Between her loud moans she whispered into his ear:

"I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum."

Ghost, in reply, groaned back at her with a smile:

"Cum, Juno."

Juno quivered all throughout, and her pussy cramped hard around Ghost's pulsating cock inside her.

"I'm cumming, Ghost... oh! I'm cumming!"

At that, Juno's back arched backward and she clenched her teeth, then opened her mouth to let out a series of loud moans of extreme pleasure.


He, in turn, buried his cock deep within her, and feeling her cunt begin to cramp hard at it as she came brought him over the edge. Moaning, he unleashed a lifetime of abstinence and they reached orgasm together. Ghost ejaculated, for the first time ever, deep inside Juno's wet, horny pussy. They interlocked as the galaxies swirled around them for a few climactic moments.

After a long while, they both ebbed out, but he didn't exit her. Instead, he breathed heavily, as she did, and he stroked her soft back, moist from the sweaty sex they had just engaged in. His dick, still hard, stayed inside her as she put her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. They spoke not a word, but breathed in unison for a while. Then Juno sat up again, on her knees and, displaying her beautiful, feminine body, slowly began riding Ghost's ever hard cock again, cum running down along it from inside her.

Within short, she did get off, letting Ghost's ever hard manhood out. It was sticky with cum and pussy juices, as was Juno's dripping pussy. As she got off him, Ghost sat up, worried he'd done something wrong, but Juno's reassuring smile put him at ease. She leaned close to him and kissed him, then put her hand on his chest and pushed him back down. Ghost then watched in awe as she kissed his chin, running her hand all along his chest and down to his dick, but not touching it yet. She kissed his neck, tasting it, tasting him. She kissed his chest, even kissing and nibbling teasingly on one of his nipples. It made him gasp for air, out of surprise and no small titillating enjoyment.

And she put her cheek to his navel-less belly to feel him breathing and kissed it, licking it softly with her tongue and then kissed intensely down to his dick. Then she grabbed the ever hard shaft in her hand, feeling the gooey cum and her own pussy juices on it. Pointing the tip of it towards her mouth, she looked quickly into Ghost's eyes, her own glittering with mischief and then stuck out her tongue to lick the tip of his dick. At that, he moaned and his head fell backward to the pillow. Juno put her lips around the tip of the hard cock and swirled with her tongue around it, making Ghost utter more soft moans.

Holding the shaft in her hand, she felt jerked it slowly whilst suckling the tip of the cock with her lips. Gradually, she began taking more of Ghost's hard manhood in her mouth, sucking in part of the shaft and then letting the entire cock out to just lick the very tip of it. She then repeated the process over and over, all the while taking more of the dick in her mouth and jerking the part of the shaft that she didn't take in her mouth. It didn't take long before she could feel the handsome cock throb in her mouth, veins and all. Feeling and hearing the reactions at her treatment gave her no slight sensation horniness.

Within short, Juno was sucking him fast and jerking faster. He was thrusting slightly into her mouth making his cock almost enter her throat. After a short while, she gave that the final push, readied mind and soul and let the entire shaft of Ghost's cock slide into her mouth and down her throat. She held it in place, her lips touching the root of his cock and her nose tickling at his skin. It seemed an eternity to him, his cock clasped in ecstatic pleasure, before she released the hold and took a deep, deep breath of air. Strings of saliva connecting his dick to her full lips. Gasping for air, she looked into Ghost's eyes and smiled. Then sucked his cock again.

Ghost, hovering around total ecstasy, simply let Juno do what she did, for she did it as if her lips were made for it. For a brief moment he wondered what this pleasure would be perceived as for the algorithm, but then he disregarded the thought, determined to live then and there, with Juno, the goddess. She would suck at the tip of his cock for a few moments, then tease the extremely sensitive back of the glans. It drove him wild. Moaning, nearly growling, through tight locked, grinding teeth, he thrust hard with his cock into Juno's mouth.

She gasped at the sudden thrust and smiling grabbed the cock to jerk it whilst coughing the surprise away. In her hand she could feel him throbbing and caressing his balls she felt them contracting as he neared another eruption. His heavy breathing coupled with bestial - and decidedly alive - growl moans told the same story. Once again, Juno put her lips around the tip of his cock and suckled it with her full cock sucker's lips whilst jerking the shaft in a hard grip. It didn't take long before Ghost let out a long, deep moan and let go.

When he began to ejaculate, Juno opened her mouth and pointed the cock straight into it. Jerking Ghost off has he came, Juno felt thick ropes of gooey cum splash into her mouth and some dripping out onto Ghost's body. It was awesome; how he just kept coming, wave after wave, thrust after thrust of cum forced out into Juno's willing mouth. She swallowed more than one mouthful of his hot seed before his powerful orgasm finally abated.

After his second orgasm, Ghost's entire body became instantly deeply relaxed and he lay panting with a smile, just watching Juno lick the overflow cum off his skin. She didn't stop until all cum was properly cleaned up, and swallowed everything with a smile. Ghost was breathing deeply from the exhaustion, sweating and warm inside as Juno, finally having cleaned him of every trace of cum, lay herself on her side next to him, putting her arm around him. As his breath turned somewhat normal and his erection finally began to decrease he put his arm around her back and held her close, looking into her eyes.

Lying close together, Ghost watched Juno drift into sleep. Her beautiful face slightly blushed and smiling. Her hair was a mess, a sexy mess, and her body, youthful, slender and beautiful was warm against his skin. He held her close and, though he knew not why, he felt a lack of energy. He couldn't keep his eyes open, but found his mind drifting into a state of dreary bliss. It didn't take long before sleep overtook him and the world fell into comfortable black. If he had been aware, he might have described the feeling as something close to putting the computer to sleep.


It was still night when Ghost awoke. His mind was drowsy, his body felt like butter. His eyelids were heavy and it was hard to keep them open, but he managed to rub the sleep out of them and regain a semblance of consciousness. He immediately looked at Juno, still laying by his side, snoring peacefully. She had let him go in her sleep, and lay on her side in the wide bed. Sitting up, Ghost looked at her wonderful, naked form. In her sleep, her nipples had stiffened and poked out lusciously from her already wonderful, round breasts.

Helping her to lay on her side, Ghost decided to take initiative. She awoke as he helped turn her, but happily so and lay yawning as Ghost vanished down along her body.

"Ghost?" She whispered, tired but curious.

A moment later he spread her legs wide and she had to gasp for air when she felt his fingers stroking her labia. She immediately began turning wet, and Ghost wasn't slow to near her pussy with both his fingers and laying down between her spread legs. Unsure exactly how to act, but determined to try, he got in close to her pussy - which was already beginning to soak - and stretched out his tongue.

A strike of lightning burst through Juno's nerves as she felt Ghost begin to lick her. He spread her labia with her fingers and proceeded cautiously, stroking her wet pussy with his tongue. He was spurred on when he heard her softly let out a moan and began to lick her as best he could, taking great care to rub her clitoris with a finger and stroking her inner thigh with his other hand as he went along. It didn't take long before Juno was moaning softly with every breath at how Ghost licked her and made small thrusts against him with her wet pussy.

With her increased pleasure, Ghost's vigor, too, was increased and he was heartened by it. He put a finger to her opening and began to penetrate her as he licked her, alternating between licking and stroking her clitoris whilst slowly finger fucking her. Her pussy juices were flowing freely, wetting both him and the bed. As he finger fucked her, her moans became louder as well and were soon loud as before.

He also put a finger from his clitoris stroking hand to her other hole, to instead finger her there. As he pressed the lubricated finger in, her anus made some resistance, but managed to get it in and within short he was fingering both her pussy and her ass, as well as licking her. It seemed to drive her crazy. She was throwing her hair back and heaving her luscious tits up and down with every breath. Her hands moved both here and there, grasping the sheets hard in a fist and the other in his hair, bidding him continue; more, more, more. She locked her legs around his back, demanding he continue; more, more, more. And then her body arched and became tense. She came.

Screaming in pleasure, Juno burst into an explosion of an orgasm which shot through her nerves and her body with the strength of a 10 000 volt charge. She squirted all over Ghost's un-expecting mouth and face and all over the bed. Her body shook as she came and squirted, and he stopped fingering, pulling the fingers out of her, but didn't stop licking and tasting her sweet juices and luscious, pink cunt. It seemed to take quite a while before Juno's powerful orgasm finally abated, and as it did, they were both soaked. She with sweat, and he with her juices.

When at last, her orgasm was faded, Ghost sat up on his knees wiping her pussy juices from his mouth with his arm. They looked at each other for a moment, then Juno quickly hurried to get on all fours before him. Horny and pleased, she wanted to return the favor. She grabbed his cock in her hand. It had already begun to get hard, but wasn't quite there yet.

"Come, sit", she said, showing him to sit on the edge of the bed.

He did as she told and sat on the edge of the bed. She hurried to get a few sheets from a cupboard for padding, then got on her knees before him, ready to please him again. In her willing mouth he quickly grew hard. And she sucked his cock willingly, her full cock sucker's lips grasping the shaft tightly.

As she sucked him again, Ghost put his hands in her hair, stroking it. He looked at her, saw his big, hard cock vanish and appear in and out of her mouth time and again. She was no stranger now, to taking his entire length in her mouth. When she took it all, she'd look up at him for a moment, as her lips touched the root of his cock, then she'd let it out and suck in some air herself. Ghost's breath turned heavier, just as hers had done when he pleasured her, and soon she felt his body growing tense yet and his cock throb in her mouth again, though she had sucked him for but a few minutes.

Spurred by his swift reaction she continued to suck him, deep throating him for long times. When she did, Ghost could feel her throat cramp tightly around his cock and he was soon to cum - again. It would soon become too late, as she let go of his cock ready to take some air. When she did, he grabbed his cock and started jerking. Ghost, panting heavily, joined her on the sheets on the floor - the bed being soaking wet with her pussy juices.

His cock hard, near bursting, Ghost wasn't late to begin touching her in his horny, almost intoxicated, state of near orgasm. Juno, of course, made no resistance, but went along willingly being equally horny. She got on all fours, backside against him, and Ghost quickly put his hard, throbbing cock against her pussy. Immediately, he let it sink into her and they united in a lustful moan. He grabbed her by the waist and in no short time built up a hard and steady pace in which he fucked her.

Juno, feeling the intoxicating thrill of being fucked hard and fast, threw her hair back and made sure to bump back at him hard so that their bodies clashed together hard as he sank his entire length inside her. Harder he fucked, louder she moaned. With one hand she began stroking her pussy. Ghost's balls clashed against her with sweaty slaps as they came further into the fucking, both being eager to go even further. He fucked her good and he fucked her hard, her pussy tugging hotly at his pulsating cock as it burst in and out. The hard fucking began to take its toll; Juno felt herself nearing yet another orgasm, and between moans asked Ghost to stop for a short while for her to regain her breath.

He did as she asked and even pulled out of her, but wouldn't leave her be. Instead, he leaned forward over her soft round butt. Caressing her butt with his hands and spreading the cheeks, he put his mouth between them and began to lick her tiny asshole intensely. It made Juno gasp for air, saying:


But the feeling was not unwelcome. In fact, it seemed to hold off the orgasm for a while, and still let it build up. Ghost licked her asshole greedily, and even stroked her pussy with feather light strokes of his fingers as he did, his cock still pulsating heavily. Juno, moaning softly at it, soon begged him fuck her again.

"Fuck me, Ghost", she asked of him and he wasn't slow to accommodate. She went on, begging with a soft, innocent voice that trembled even at asking such a thing:

"Will you fuck my ass, Ghost? Please?"

Ghost, saying nothing, merely put his hard cockhead against her tiny asshole and, lubing it up with spit and pre-cum, began to push it inside.

It was hard and it was tight. Juno grimaced as he entered her ass. Ghost had to spit to give his cock more lubrication, but soon began to thrust it inside her, if slowly. She moaned, but half out of pain and half of uncontrollable lust. Pulling out a bit, Ghost made ready to pull out entirely, but Juno asked - almost begged - for more. So he thrust inside again, spitting on his cock for lube. As he repeated the process over and over, he found that his cock slid more easily every time and soon he had his entire length hilted inside Juno's butt.

At that, he began to fuck her at a slightly faster pace whilst she moaned and groaned, loving the semi-painful feeling. As for Ghost, having Juno's tight ass wrapped around his throbbing cock was unlike anything else. It was tight, hard and unbelievably sexy to see his cock vanish in and out of her round bubble butt. He began fucking her ass harder and harder, holding his hands around her waist, much to her pleasure as her moans became louder and she even stroked and fingered her pussy as he fucked her. After a short while, Juno lay down almost flat on her stomach to receive a hard pounding from the ever fucking Ghost.

Laying almost skin on skin on top of her, he fucked her hard, sweat dripping from his forehead and nose onto her back. He grunted, groaned, grizzled his teeth and fucked Juno's tight ass hard, pounding her harder. His cock throbbing and his balls clashing against her pussy time and again inside her coming closer to that final edge; once again, he neared an orgasm. And it seemed by the sound of Juno's lustful moans, so did she. He kept pounding her hard and also leaned over her stroking her hair and biting her neck, making her squeal and smile in pleasure, in between the moans.

For another while, Ghost fucked his lover hard in the ass as she took the pounding. But it was undeniable that the orgasm was creeping in close and fast. And Juno was even closer, she thrust her ass hard back at him as he fucked her, and with every thrust she shook all throughout, nearing her orgasm. Ghost grabbed her ass cheek and slapped, spanked, massaged and over again whilst fucking her ass harder than ever. Finally, Juno was tipped over the edge, screaming in pleasure, she came yet again and arched her entire body back and throwing her hair into the air. She shivered, quivered, shook him all night long. Juno's ass cramped harder around him as she came and he reached that final climactic moment, and then Ghost, too, burst into an all consuming orgasm and began to ejaculate.

As he came, he hilted his entire length deep inside her, grasping her waist as hard as he could and let loose the cascades of cum that shot deep into her ass. And her body cramping in her orgasm milked his cock for every last drop of gooey cum. They moaned loudly in unison as they reached an orgasm of no small measure. Then, finally, both their orgasms abated. Ghost pulled his cock out of Juno's ass and they sank together into the sheets on the floor, a sweaty, flustered, exhausted mess. As they breathed out, Ghost grabbed Juno and held her close to him, holding her tight in his arms. Looking into his eyes, Juno kissed him softly on the lips and then relaxed in his arms. Ghost wrapped the sheets around the both of them and they both felt the comfortable darkness envelop them yet again.

Angels danced in opiate scents around them; devils pranced; silence sung their majestic rhapsody of pain and glory. And for them, the very existence of anything beyond the reach of their fingertips was as good as non-existent. They held each other close, twirled and sweaty and happy in Juno's sheets. Uncomfortable though the floor was, none had ever been at more ease. Darkness glowed and the galaxy continued to swirl with all the colors of a spectrum and all the sounds of a symphony around them as their rocket ride took them into the abyss of their own selves. The goddess and the silicon messiah may as well have died, sweaty, warm and mingled together in Juno's sheets all over the floor, but they only fell asleep. The sweaty mess that was a night of fucking, fucking and more fucking over at last.


Come morning, the sun cast its warm, golden rays through the small creases in the window shades upon the goddess's smiling face. For a long while, she lay waking up with her eyes closed, before finally opening them to a new day. A new day that for the first time in a very, very long time, she didn't fear being alive, awake, aware. But stretching her legs she found that Ghost was no longer by her side. She felt a sting in her heart and looking around, he was nowhere to be seen. A lone tear fell on her cheek and rolled solemnly down turning to nothing, then she noticed the computer. When last she'd seen it, it had been black, but now it shone. There was nothing on it, only a blank page, but as she looked at it a single line appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Juno."


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thid is awesome .

29/9, 2022 kl. 20:06